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Shipping and Delivery


We are glad to bring our customers great value and service. We provide shipping from our warehouses in Dehradun, India. and you are most welcome to come and collect your order from our warehouse (The address is mentioned under the Contact Details section). Shipping charges will depend on the location and weight of the product. We provide the best estimate of the delivery charges during the checkout process as part of the final invoice breakup.

In certain rare cases, we might hold the processing of the shipment if there are discrepancies in the delivery charge calculation, we will update you about the same and continue to process the shipment post your confirmation.



We are proud to offer international shipping services. However, there are some locations we are unable to ship to. If you happen to be from one of those countries we will contact you. In case of additional delivery charges applicable we will let you know as soon as we get the delivery estimates and process the shipment post your confirmation.



We try to process orders on the same day and the shipment leaves the warehouse on the next working day. Our maximum handling time is 3 days. Post which the package is handled by our delivery partners.


Our delivery partners take 5-10 days to deliver the package in domestic locations and 15-20 days for International delivery.


Based on the delivery location and item type, we work with the partner best suited for handling the specific delivery, hence we partner with multiple delivery service providers to provide the most efficient and secure delivery.

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